this version: D1 [2001-12-10 12:51] This is the second in a series of messages intended to break down im2000 discussion into bite-sized pieces. I think we can take for granted that the user may choose their program for editing messages. (This message is powered by vi.) After that, however, they will need to provide their IM2000 with a copy of the message, and pertinent data to send notifications and allow retrieval. This is accomplished with IMTP, the Internet Mail Transfer Protocol. (a) Protocol Presumably, IMTP should be TCP-based. Messages will be (often, if not always) signed and encrypted, and data-loss is not an option. Further, if users wish to send messages in batches, a TCP-based system will allow them to do so over one connection. (b) Authentication When senders are responsible for storage of their mail, it becomes even more important that no one else be able to send mail in their name. How should IMTP servers authenticate senders? I would imagine a public-key system will integrate nicely with the encryption/signing of messages, but because built-in security often seems pathetic a few years after inception, the actual methods of securing servers should be modular. After all, once everyone's cellphone is capable of using 65536-bit keys, why shouldn't they? (Especially when pocket calculators can break 4096-bit keys.) (c) Relaying Should an IM2000 implementation be allowed to receive messages on one system/interface and serve them on another? If IMTP only handles receiving mail from senders, will IM2000 allow this transaction: bob -imtp-> : here is a message ------> : serve this message -imnp-> alice : you've got mail alice -imrp-> : give me my mail While this looks good for netadmins, who can now distribute the load across many systems and through firewalls, it introduces the concept of relayed message; many of us will cringe at the thought of continuing mail relaying, but it might not be an evil, if it's implemented properly. Further, if relaying is allowed, will servers speak IMTP to one another, or something else? (d) Meta-data SMTP and RFC822 allow for nearly unlimited meta-data about a message to be stored. With X-Headers (such as those in this message), one can use messages to store arbitrary structured data. IM2000 messages must more clearly define some message headers (the message envelope and to/from fields, especially). Beyond that, though, to what extent should meta-data be covered by protocol (that is, formatted into the IM2000 message format) and to what extent should it simple be a function of processing the body? I'm sure there are other IMTP issues that aren't springing to mind. -- rjbs